Why Flomont?

At FloMont we strongly believe that children will thrive in a nurturing environment filled with love, freedom and respect – a space where they are recognized as individuals. A place where the focus lies on showing children ‘how’ to learn, in ways that best suits their personal learning style, while also ensuring that their ‘whys’ are not stopped and answered in a manner that is an enriching experience by itself. We pride ourselves on providing a children with a safe environment that will help them grow into intelligent, independent and responsible global citizens capable of making their own decisions and contributing positively to every aspect of society.

The success of a school success lies in its staff. Our classes are led by internationally trained, highly qualified Montessori teachers who are supported by well educated and experienced assistants.

Staff at FloMont routinely participates in seminars, self development workshops, skill enhancement courses and continuing education courses which enable them to stay informed of the changing educational needs of today.

Every employee at FloMont, from Director to Housekeeper, is held to the highest standard and must complete a rigorous pre-employment screening process. This includes a thorough background check, education and experience verification.

Our staff members are trained in current first aid and CPR procedures. Fire, severe weather, and evacuation drills are practiced regularly. You can be sure your child is always in the best hands while at our school.

We believe that with positivity, patience and perseverance every child is capable of becoming the
best versions of them. Our beliefs and core values encourage a child to become a learner for life, in
constant pursuit of knowledge. Some of the ways we achieve this are as under.

We don’t follow a ‘spray and pray ‘method – spray the information and pray the child understands. All learning styles are respected and lessons are imparted using the manner in which the child learns best.

Children can study what interests them at their own pace. Work cycles normally last for about three hours and a child is allowed to concentrate on the task at hand without any interruptions. Improved concentration leads to improved learning and retention of knowledge.

Mixed age classrooms help older children take on roles of mentors and leaders and also make younger children realize that it is ok to ask for help. Older ones learn to nurture younger ones and younger ones observe and learn from older children.

Multi span classrooms allow the child to have the same teacher for a period of three years. This helps build a strong bond and the teacher understands a child on a very personal level, hence learning is customized and effective.

Learning is a collaborative effort between a child and his teacher as opposed to being solely teacher led. This allows for interest based learning.

The Montessori Method advocates independence. A child is encouraged to do things by himself as he grows. Montessori children understand that it’s good to be independent and they have everything they need to succeed within themselves.